अनुभव करना
अनुभव करना
= FEELउदाहरण : चक्कर आना या अस्थिरता का अनुभव करनाUsage : he has a feel for animals
अनुभव करना
= UNDERGOउदाहरण : चक्कर आना या अस्थिरता का अनुभव करना
Usage : Ram underwent medical treatment in Apollo hospital.
अनुभव करना
= EXPERIENCEUsage : I experienced a brief moment of terror while watching the movie.
अनुभव करना
= FINDUsage : he finds that his colleagues are not very co-operative.i find that shyam is guilty of the charges framed.
अनुभव करना
= DESCRYउदाहरण : कैसे वह संभवतः निरा अंधेपन की एक दृष्टि से जहाज की स्थिति का अनुभव कर सकता है|Usage : From the hilltop, we could descry a distant village.
अनुभव करना
= LIVE THROUGHUsage : Persons belonging to different religions live throughout the length and breadth of the country.
अनुभव करना
= EXPLICATEUsage : We had to explicate it from the ship.
अनुभव करना
= REALIZEUsage : our ideas must be substantiated into actions
अनुभव करना
= EXPERIMENTALIZEUsage : Scientists often experimentalize to discover new ways of solving problems.
अनुभव करना
= PERCEIVEUsage : i could perceive the ship coming over the horizon
अनुभव करना
= MEETUsage : the prime minister met his cabinet for the talks.
अनुभव करना
= TASTEUsage : the candy left him with a bad taste
अनुभव करना
= APPREHENDUsage : pupils can easily apprehend the meaning of a word written in their vernacular.
अनुभव करना
= MEET WITHUsage : The donation required to build the library was hard to meet with.
अनुभव करना
= SENSEUsage : I can sense the tension in the room.